Digital Website and online shop for literacy learning resources. Beautiful Minds Education, East Sussex 3 Playful. Fun. Engaging. Web design with e-commerce Beautiful Minds Education wanted a website with an integrated online store to promote and sell its...
Digital Website for pre-hire volume recruitment specialists. ThriveMap, London 3 Innovative. Revolutionary. Personal. Responsive website design and CMS ThriveMap is a game-changing pre-hire assessment service. It provides potential candidates with a custom...
Digital | Print Tastefully designed report to showcase the activities and impact of Brighton & Hove Food Partnership’s food projects. Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, Brighton & Hove 3 Celebrating the power of food to bring about change. Impact...
Digital | Print Impactful report for Individual Placement and Support specialists. IPS Grow/ Social Finance, London 3 Engaging. Focussed. Impactful. Impact report IPS Grow hosted by Social Finance, is a team of IPS experts who provide expert assistance to support...
Brand Carefully processed visual identity for the business systems specialist. The Business Systems People, West Midlands 3 Complexity to clarity. Processed. Brand identity and logo design The Business Systems People help SMEs to create their business manuals,...