Brand Carefully processed visual identity for the business systems specialist. The Business Systems People, West Midlands 3 Complexity to clarity. Processed. Brand identity and logo design The Business Systems People help SMEs to create their business manuals,...
Print Leaflet campaign for British Airways i360 Brighton. British Airways i360, Brighton 3 British Airways i360. Leaflet design Promotional leaflet for Brighton’s iconic British Airways i360...
Brand Playful new visual identity for Brighton-based personal assistant provider. Compass PA, Brighton 3 Dynamic. Playful. Engaging. Core brand logo design and visual identity Compass PA is based in Brighton and provides high-quality personal assistants to...
Brand Expertly constructed logo and visual identity for Brighton’s master builders. AM Design & Build, East Sussex 3 Solid. Precise. Reliable. Brand identity, logo design, and key marketing materials A.M. General Building Ltd came to McQ Design for help with...
Brand | Digital | Print Brand identity, website, and print advertising graphics for a marvellous new interactive showpiece for events and trade fairs. iMarvel, Germany 3 Eye-catching. Interactive. Magical. Brand identity, logo, website, and print design iMarvel...